Servicing the surrounding states-
Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia and Washington D.C
Identity theft and fraud continue to be a big problem. According to the Federal Trade Commission, 5.7 million people reported incidents of this in 2022. While phishing emails play a large part, some criminals do it the old-fashioned way; looking through dumpsters for critical information left on paper. While you might think you're thwarting them by using a shredder, they have some surprisingly large operations in terms of piecing those things back together. That's why you should consider secure shredding services. Here are three surprising benefits:
It's hard for would-be-identity thieves to find anything other than regular trash if you use secure shredding services. All your documents will be in another location, away from your main place of business. It's a fantastic way to keep things separate.
Is there anything more annoying than having an office full of bags of shredded documents that are waiting to go out to a dumpster? It creates unnecessary clutter, and it can also cause stress for other workers who must navigate around it. With a secure shredding service, it's out of sight, out of mind. Your office will look much cleaner.
Trying to manage your own shredding at your business can get expensive. You need to have good shredders that will constantly need to be maintained. These shredders are high quality, not the type you can pick up at the office supply store. It will cost you both time and money. Using
secure shredding services can put that money back in your pocket. You'll be paying for them to do the job for you.
If you're running a large business, you will have thieves who want to learn your trade secrets, among other things. You will be improving your document security as well as reclaiming time that you might have spent worrying about where your discarded documents go. Now, you can focus on running a successful business without being concerned about things like fraud. That will make it all worth it for you.
Are you looking for a safe, secure way to shred your important documents? Here at ALL-SHRED, Inc, we are the perfect solution and have been for over 20 years. Contact us today to learn more about our shredding services.
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